
Exclusive Offer For Readers Of The

Bestseller 'Exit The Family Business'

Take our short survey to find your business value & how prepared you are for sale.

"80% 0f family Businesses sell for MUCH less than they should...

but they don't have to"


Understand Importance

To have a chance of improving, you need to understand the 7 key components that comprise a Multiple

Know The Score

You should know your score on each component, AND where your business is underperforming

Increase Value

Learning exactly HOW to improve all 7 will increase your Multiple (& therefore Value) to where it should be 

Based upon the algorithms in the survey, we already know what your business' strengths and weaknesses and how to increase your Multiple. 

This increases the buyer confidence, therefore increasing the value a buyer will be willing to pay.  

Our "secret" 7 Pillars of Value Creation System will help you to increase your Multiple with the potential of creating hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in additional business value!

Operational Irrelevancy

Standard Operating Procedures

Key Employee Plans

'Stay' Bonuses & Incentives

Recurring Revenue Generation

Automating Sales

Margin Management

It could mean the difference between affording to retire and working until you're 80! Don't leave it too late to count. Learn about successful value creation strategies on a free call with our experts.

  • The truth behind your Saleability Score. It has given us insight into your business so we can tell you EXACTLY what areas are under-performing and tailored strategies for value creation.
  • ​Business Valuation. Most people have an unrealistic idea of what their business is actually worth. This is dangerous. We'll make sure you know realistically what your business is worth now, and what it COULD be worth after following our value creation strategies.
  • ​BONUS business valuation tools. After you've booked your call, you will be given immediate access to the 'Built for Lifestyle vs. Built for Sale' guide plus an exclusive electronic copy of the professionally acclaimed 'The Sale of a Lifetime' book. 

© 2022 ETFB. All Rights Reserved

Exit The Family Business the downloadable guide and any accompanying assets or affiliates are provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide tax, accounting, or legal advice, nor is it an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, an endorsement or sponsorship of any company, security, or fund. Certain owners, officers, or affiliates may be associated with investment firms and may make referrals from time to time for such services, but this does not constitute investment advice, nor should it be construed as Exit The Family Business being in that business. We always suggest you seek professional advice. Past results are not a guarantee of future results.