Are You Ready To Sell Your Business?

That doesn't mean your business is ready to be sold...

Why? You built your business to support your lifestyle... not for a sale. So how do you sell it for MORE?

Are You Looking To Sell Your Business?

That doesn't mean your business is ready to be sold. Preparing for a sale is often a matter of Exit Time vs. Exit Value. Find out more:



$100+ Billion


The 7

pillars of value creation process is the key to recovering this value


typical BUSINESS VALUE INCREASE at the time of sale with our PROCESS

The Mission

Our Specialization

Our mission is to unlock the hundreds of billion dollars that are trapped inside America's undervalued and undersold family-owned businesses.

The business resale marketplace is in trouble. Your retirement is in trouble. You may be ready to sell your business, but over 70% of businesses are not ready to be sold at their true value. This is because most Small/Lower Middle Market Businesses were built for Lifestyle, not built to Sell.

Businesses that were built for lifestyle typically sell for 30-40% below their actual worth - but we have the solution. We help owners, like you, understand how a potential buyer views their business. We can help shape your business to recapture the “lost” value and sell at the maximum value to ensure you get the payday you deserve.


There are 7 Pillars of Value formation that determine the value of all businesses. Our Value Creation System can help you improve them all.


Selling your life's work can be stressful. Getting it wrong can cost you your retirement. We help you sell at your business' maximum value.


The key to a successful sale is to understand that the value of any business can be different depending on who, why, and how it is being “valued”.


Whether you are selling your family business or transferring it to the next generation, our process will ensure you enjoy a successful, stress-free transition.


Your business' true value to a buyer will not be what you think it should be. Our Exit Valuation Survey can show you exactly how to increase your business' value to a buyer.

The M&A 2.0 Revolution

Where we work with you to increase your business value, no one knows you better than us. So we make available our M&A capabilities at a fraction of the cost typically found with M&A firms. Why pay more for someone you do not know?


Our Team

Creating “value” is far more than just increasing revenue. It is more than merely increasing net profits. When it was all about lifestyle, the cash flow you could take home was all that mattered. Now that it's time to start transitioning out of business, you need to understand the gap between the owner value world and buyer value world. Our team is here to help you every step of the way.

Rick McDonald

CEO, Sr. Partner, Family Business Advisor,

Lead Exit Planner

Steve Vesey

Sr. Partner, Lead Exit Planner, Business Valuation Specialist, CPA

David Hockley

Partner, Senior Member of Exit Team, Business Growth Expert

Rick McDonald

CEO, Personal Wealth Advisor,

Lead Exit Planner

Steve Vesey

Partner, Lead Exit Planner, Business Valuation Specialist, CPA

David Hockley

Partner, Senior Member of Exit Team, Business Growth Expert


Hand-picked business analysts and transition experts

M&A Firm vs. Us

Comparison Table

(Hypothetical Example)

Our commission is half that of an M&A firm from just 3%* and our success fee is based SOLELY on the increased sales valuation we create for you. So what do these numbers mean for you?

Take a look at the table below. We've compared the sale of an $8,000,000 Gross Revenue business handled with a Business Broker/M&A firm, as opposed to Exit The Family Business' Cinderella Project (our Value Creation program, and M&A reduced fee schedule).

*Commission can be subject to company size/preparedness











3.4 X

5.0 X

VALUE INCREASE (As a result in Increase of Multiple)








$520,000 (20%)


7% on $3.4M or $238,000

3% on $6M or $180,000


$10,000 - $40,000








Working with the Exit Team and implementing The Cinderella Project gives an increase of $2,148,000 on the sale price. That's over $2 MILLION that the business owner would have left on the table, benefiting the buyer. Don't be "that" guy.

M&A Firm vs. Us

Comparison Table

Our commission is half that of an M&A firm at just 3% and our success fee is based SOLELY on the Value we create for you. So what do these numbers mean for you? Look at the table below.

We've compared the sale of an $8,000,000 Gross Revenue business handled with a Broker/M&A firm, as opposed to Exit The Family Business' Cinderella Project.

Working with the Exit Team and implementing The Cinderella Project gives an increase of $2,792,000 on your sale price. That's nearly $3 MILLION that the business owner would have missed out on, but someone else would pocket. Make sure that isn't you.

How It Works

Our Process

It's time to face the truth. If you don't plan your exit correctly, you could end up working until you die. Your journey to a successful sale and increasing the value of your business by 30-50% starts with taking our Exit Valuation Survey. This tells us exactly where you are now, the exact performance of your business, and what you need to do to improve. You'll get your results immediately, plus you can access your Valuation Risk Snapshot and can speak to our analyst team on a complimentary call to discuss your results, increasing value and exit options.


Discover how your business scores in

the 7 key drivers of valuation


Understand the risks a buyer sees

when valuing your specific business


Implement the "7 Pillars Of Value Creation" and increase your business' exit value


Our Resources

Whether you have questions regarding business valuation, the timing to transition out of your business or how to sell your business, we have a wealth of information available. To gain the knowledge of how to sell your company for its maximum value, access life-changing content including the innovative Exit Valuation Survey, the Amazon best-seller 'Exit The Family Business: How to transform your business built for lifestyle to one built for sale' Book and the other Exit Assets.

The Exit Book

'How to transform your business built for lifestyle to one built for sale' is an Amazon best-seller & provides a systematic process to maximize the value of your business by optimizing each of the 7 key high-leverage areas of your business.

Exit Valuation Survey

The free 10-minute Exit Valuation Survey reveals exactly how your business scores in the 7 Pillars of Value Creation, the breakdown of valuation and its performance. More importantly, it tells us how to improve in each area to increase value.

Exit Assets

This library of assets and articles contains expert advice to put your business on track. Discover the secret to increasing value, how to get a successful sale, the difference between built for lifestyle vs. built for sale, and much more.

Why Us?

Our Practise

We've painstakingly developed the perfect process for selling your business at its maximum value. With a wealth of information available to answer the essential questions determining business valuation, selling a business, transition and when it’s the right time to exit. We combine the best aspects of a traditional M&A firm with good ol' fashion service, with our revolutionary M&A 2.0 Exit Planning Services and Wealth Management to ensure you get the best value for your life's work. Everyone will exit their business at some point, whether due to choice. health or circumstance - our job is to keep you in control of your exit - and timing is everything.


We work to fiduciary standards, putting you first. We help you with every step so you can rely on us as part of your team.


We draw on over 60 years combined experience to provide the must-have knowledge across your exit strategy.


Our experts ensure you, your business and the sale are looked after legally when finding a buyer, the sale and transitioning out.

Unbeatable value

We don't charge the same way an M&A firm would. Our fee depends solely on the successful sale of your business.


Our Feedback

There is nothing more important to us than protecting our client's retirement and legacy. Baby Boomer business owners are at risk of having to sell their business for far below its true worth in the current market or working until they're 80, simply because they don't know how to successfully transition out of their business and prepare it for sale. It means M&A firms or buyers can get your business at a steal, and 12 months later, profit millions from your lifetimes work. We set out to put a stop to that, and the feedback from our clients have made it all worthwhile.

T. F. - Danvers, MA

When I first met with Rick, Steve and the Exit Team, my 35-year-old machine shop was worth a mid $3Million number. 12 months later, I have offers for $5.5-6Million. These guys were a godsend to my family!

Tony Y. - BOSTON, MA

This process works! When Rick began working with my company, we were entertaining mid/high single million-dollar offers from competitors who did not have the cash up-front. After following the 7 Pillar System, and bringing in the Exit Team & legal colleagues, we successfully sold the company within 9 months for a “mid-teen million dollar” cash figure, where EBITDA was increased and the multiple was 1-1.5 point higher.


The Process of Selling A Business

Getting out of a Business: Time vs. Value


7 Federal Street


MA 01923

Phone : 978-369-4800

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© 2024 ETFB. All Rights Reserved

*The Lower Middle Market is comprised of businesses worth $5-$30 million, typically having EBITDA of $1 million - $4 million.

The 7 Pillars of Value Creation is our name for our work as Business brokerage services and related consulting pertaining to business sales, mergers, acquisitions and business valuation. Exit The Family Business the downloadable guide and any accompanying assets or affiliates are provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide tax, accounting or legal advice, nor is it an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, an endorsement or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Certain owners, officers or affiliates may be associated with investment firms and may make referrals from time to time for such services, but this does not constitute investment advice, nor should it be construed as Exit The Family Business being in that business. We always suggest you seek professional advice. Past results are not a guarantee of future results.